MAD Lunch


Happy Wednesday everyone!! I know you are looking forward to “Work Out Wednesday” but I decided to dedicate this Wednesday to our MAD lunch. If you didn’t already know I am apart of an academy called “MAD Acad.” Short for Multimedia Arts Design Academy. The academy is for Sophomores-Seniors at Santa Barbara High School. As part of the MAD academy we have a lunch in every first Wednesday of every month. Each lunch in is different food either made by the parents of the students or catered from a restaurant. Lucky us getting a free delicious meal during lunch hour at school.

The images above our taken by yours truly of the process of the lunch in. After the 4th period bell all the students for the MAD acad race to the back of the building to wait in line. In line you get 3 different colored cards (yellow, blue, or orange.) So that way they can monitor you did not cut in line with your friends. Pretty smart I must say. In the image above is a picture of my friend David with his orange lunch card. In the middle is a picture of “the boys” eating their lunch.

As high school students we are very lucky to have a home cooked meal during lunch hour brought to us. The MAD academy is a great academy and always treats us students right. We love you Dan!!

xoxo Taylor.